Offline simulation of a half adder circuit on Raspberry Pi 4B

Offline simulation of a half adder circuit on Raspberry Pi 4B

In this tutorial video we will demonstrate how to run TINA on Raspberry Pi 4B.

What is Raspberry Pi 4B?

Raspberry Pi is a poweful, compact mini-computer. It is affordable, runs various operating systems and it is perfect for learning or projects.

It can also run Windows applications using the Wine Windows emulator. Including TINA.

Wine originally an acronym for „Wine Is Not an Emulator” is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several operating systems, such as Linux, macOS.

In this video we will create and test a Half Adder circuit in TINA.

Drawing the Schematic Diagram of the Half Adder circuit

To start with, we will draw the schematic diagram of the half adder. We will use an XOR gate for the Sum and an AND gate for the Carry, High-Low switches and Voltage pins for the outputs.

Testing the circuit

First, we test the circuit interactively using the interactive mode of TINA.
We play with the switches toggling between Low and High levels to produce all the input combinations.

Switches are toggling between low and high levels

Next, we run a Digital Timing Analysis from the Analysis menu.
As a result all signals are displayed separately in a time diagram.

The signals are displayed in a time-diagram

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Creating and simulating an RLC circuit on the Raspberry Pi 5 single board computer using TINA

Creating and simulating an RLC circuit on the Raspberry Pi 5 single board computer using TINA

In this video  we will create and analyze an RLC circuit on the Raspberry Pi 5 single board computer with TINA.

First you have to install the Wine Windows emulator available from the PI-Apps application.

If Wine setup is complete you will see it in the Raspberry OS main menu, so for example you can launch the program WineCfg to configure the optimal text size of the emulated Windows applications.

Assuming you have Wine working in 64-bit mode, you can start the installation of TINA. After completion of the TINA installer, you’ll find TINA in the Raspberry OS main menu (if not in the first level menu, look for it in Wine applications) so you can start it from there.

Creating the RLC circuit

An RLC circuit is an electrical circuit consisting of a Resistor (R), an Inductor (L) and a Capacitor (C). After creating the circuit, we change the default values of some of the components.

Transient Analysis

We Set End display time to 50 microseconds, then select the “Zero initial values”option. Next, we add the diagram to the Schematic Editor window to store it together with the circuit schematic.

Symbolic Analysis

After that, we generate the accurate closed formula describing the transient response using the Symbolic Analysis capability of TINA. Note that the closed formula exists in linear circuits only. The symbolic result describes the transient response of the circuit with an accurate analytic closed formula.

In the following, we will show, how to Draw a diagram using the formula and compare it with the numerical result.

AC Analysis

In the AC Transfer Analysis dialog, set the number of points to 500 to have a finer diagram. Using the checkboxes in the diagram group, you can determine which diagrams will be displayed. Check them all.

The AC Amplitude Characteristic appears, but at the same time the program has calculated the Phase, Nyquist, Group Delay and the AC Bode diagrams.

Symbolic Analysis

Finally, we generate the closed formula of the AC Transfer Function using Symbolic Analysis.

Content of the video:

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 02:07 Creating the circuit and changing the default values of some of the components
  • 04:21 Transient Analysis
  • 05:39 Symbolic Analysis: Semi-symbolic Transient
  • 07:47 AC Analysis
  • 09:15 Symbolic Analysis: AC Transfer
  • 10:25 Conclusion

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You can learn more about TINACloud here:

You can learn more about TINA here:

Online Design and Simulation of the Semtech TS30012 DC/DC Switching Regulator Circuit

Online Design and Simulation of the Semtech TS30012 DC/DC Switching Regulator Circuit

In this video we demonstrate the online design and simulation of the Semtech TS30012 DC/DC synchronous switching regulator evaluation circuit using TINACloud.

Startup Transient Simulation

The startup transient of a DC-DC converter is the period of time during which the converter is transitioning from its off state to its steady-state operating condition.

Startup Transient Simulation circuit and diagram
Redesigning the circuit

Let’s redesign the circuit to generate a 3.3 V output voltage.
The Design Tool changed the RTOP resistance to 26.7k and displayed a quick diagram of all the relevant analysis results, based on analytic calculations.

The Design Tool changed the RTOP resistance to 26.7k and displayed a quick diagram of all the relevant analysis results, based on analytic calculations.
Steady State Analysis

Steady state analysis of a DC-DC power supply is the analysis of the circuit’s behavior when it has reached a steady state. This means that the output voltage is constant, except for the ripple voltage, and all the components in the circuit are operating in their steady state conditions.

Ripple voltages and current of the outputs
Line Step Analysis

Line stepping analysis of DC-DC converters is used to determine how a DC-DC converter responds to changes in the input voltage.

Line Step Analysis
Load Step Analysis

Load step analysis of DC-DC converters is a type of circuit simulation that is used to determine how a DC-DC converter responds to changes in the load current.

Load Step Analysis
Comparison of simulation and measurement results

The simulation results show good agreement with the voltage measurements in the TS300012 datasheet.

Comparison of simulation and measurement results
AC Analysis

AC analysis is a powerful tool for designing and optimizing DC-DC converters. It provides the frequency response of the converter, which can be used to analyze its stability and performance under different conditions.

The AC Bode diagram of the Loop Gain
Efficiency Analysis

TINA and TINACloud also allow fast and accurate calculation of efficiency as a function of load current.

Efficiency as a function of time
Efficiency as a function of load current (Iout).

Content of the video:

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You can learn more about TINACloud here:

You can learn more about TINA here:

Online Design and Simulation of a Würth MagIC DC/DC Switching Regulator Circuit (171033801)

Online Design and Simulation of a Würth MagIC DC/DC Switching Regulator Circuit (171033801)

In this new video we demonstrate the online design and simulation of the Würth MagIC (171033801) DC/DC synchronous switching regulator evaluation circuit using TINACloud.

Startup Transient Simulation

The startup transient of a DC-DC converter is the period of time during which the converter is transitioning from its off state to its steady-state operating condition.

In most simulators the Startup Transient simulation takes a long time since the whole process from the initial state to steady state is simulated.

However due to the built in average model in TINA and TINACloud the simulation takes only seconds both online and offline.

TINA and TINACloud can also be used to perform switching mode transient analysis. Due to the advanced multicore solvers in both software, switching mode transient analysis is still quite fast and results in more detailed waveforms.

In addition, TINA and TINACloud include a very fast calculation of the ripple voltages using the combination of the average and switching models.

Startup Transient circuit and diagram

The simulation results show good agreement with the voltage measurements on the datasheet:

Comparison of simulation and measurement results

Steady State Analysis

Steady state analysis of a DC-DC power supply is the analysis of the circuit’s behavior when it has reached a steady state. This means that the output voltage is constant, except for the ripple voltage, and all the components in the circuit are operating in their steady state conditions.

TINA and TINACloud provide a very fast and accurate method for determining the ripple voltages in any circuit. They use built-in average models to quickly reach the steady state and then switching models to determine the ripple voltage.

This method allows a very fast determination of ripple voltages for any circuit settings without the need of storing initial values of inductors and capacitors in the circuits.

The diagram shows the Ripple voltages and current of the outputs.

Line Step Analysis

Line stepping analysis of DC-DC converters is used to determine how a DC-DC converter responds to changes in the input voltage.

TINA and TINACloud can simulate the circuit response extremely fast due to their built-in average models.

Line Step Transient circuit and diagram

Load Step Analysis

Load step analysis of DC-DC converters is a type of circuit simulation that is used to determine how a DC-DC converter responds to changes in the load current.

In TINA and TINACloud you can also quickly simulate the circuit response to a load step.

Load Step Transient circuit and diagram

AC Analysis

The built-in average models of DC-DC converters in TINA and TINACloud allow fast and accurate AC analysis.

AC analysis is a powerful tool for designing and optimizing DC-DC converters. It provides the frequency response of the converter, which can be used to analyze its stability and performance under different conditions.

AC Bode diagram of the Loop Gain

Efficiency Analysis

TINA and TINACloud also allow fast and accurate calculation of efficiency as a function of load current.

Efficiency as a function of time

Content of the video:

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You can learn more about TINACloud here:

You can learn more about TINA here:

Simulating an RLC circuit on the Raspberry Pi 4B single board computer with TINACloud

Simulating an RLC circuit on the Raspberry Pi 4B single board computer with TINACloud
What is Raspberry Pi 4B single board computer?

Raspberry Pi 4B is a powerful, compact mini-computer. It’s affordable, runs various operating systems, and is perfect for learning or projects.

Rasberry Pi 4B miniboard computer
Rasberry Pi 4  Model B

It includes a Quad-Core 1.5 GHz 64bit ARM CPU, 8GB RAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB,HDMI, a microSD slot and more.

From the Rasberry Pi website  ( you can install the Raspberry Pi OS on the micro SD card, which is a Debian based linux OS including a web browser called Chromium.

You can run TINACloud in Chromium from the website.

Click here to watch our video.

You can learn more about TINACloud here:

You can learn more about TINA here: