

Multifunction Instrument for Education and Training with Local and Remote Measurement capabilities

LabXplorer  turns your desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone into a powerful, multifunction test and measurement instrument for a wide range of applications. Instruments, whatever you need, are at your fingertips. LabXplorer provides multimeter, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, logic analyzer, programmable analog and digital signal generator, impedance analyzer and also measures characteristics of passive electronic components and semiconductor devices.

TINA LabXplorer Multifunction PC Instrument

LabXplorer includes a DC to 50MHz bandwidth, 10/12 bit resolution, dual-channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope. Due to its advanced equivalent-time sampling technology.

LabXplorer can acquire any repetitive signal with up to 4GS/s equivalent sampling rate, while in single shot mode the sampling rate is 20 MS/s.
The full scale input range is ±80V, with 5mV to 20V/div ranges.

Function Generator

The synthesized Function Generator provides sine, square, ramp, triangle and arbitrary waveforms from DC to 4MHz, with logarithmic and linear sweep, and modulation up to 10V peak to peak. Arbitrary waveforms can be programmed via the high level, easy to use language of TINA’s Interpreter.

Signal Editor

Working automatically in conjunction with the Function Generator, the Signal Analyzer measures and displays Bode amplitude and phase diagrams, Nyquist diagrams, and also works as Spectrum Analyzer.

Digital Signal Generator and Logic Analyzer

High-tech Digital Signal Generator and Logic Analyzer instruments allow fast 16-channel digital testing up to 40MHz. 

Real-time Logic Analyzer

LabXplorer’s Multimeter

LabXplorer’s Multimeter allows voltage measurement in ranges from 10mV to 100V in DC mode and 10mV to 20Vrms in AC. Current ranges are from 1mA up to 1A. It can also measure DC resistance in ranges from 10Ω to 10MΩ.

Impedance and Semiconductor Device Analyzer

The Impedance and Semiconductor Device Analyzer measures resistance, capacitance, inductance of passive electronic components and the main characteristics of semiconductors. The analyzer allows current/voltage measurements up to 50mA/10V peak on the device under test.

Using LabXplorer with TINA and TINACloud, DesignSoft’s popular circuit simulation programs, gives you the unique capability to have circuit design and simulation supplemented with local or remote real-time measurements in the same integrated environment. This provides an invaluable tool for troubleshooting and brings your designs to life by comparing simulated and measured results.

Experimenter Modules

You can also plug Experimenter Modules into the front slot of LabXplorer, allowing you to simulate, measure, and troubleshoot virtually the whole range of analog and digital electronics.

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